Language interpreting services through HD web videoconferences provide a low cost solution for a quality, user-friendly service to overcome language barriers
Who We Are
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Why Choose Us
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The assigned oral translator will brief you about how to speak, conference rules and a cross-cultural overview if necessary.
Our linguists operate with consecutive interpretation, meaning they wait until the speaker expresses a complete sentence or paragraph conveying and idea or a divisible part of it, and only then translate it to the listener.
You will be informed when your session is coming to an end, allowing time for final conclusions.
Users will be able to give explanations or describe details about them, interpreted by our operators on the spot.
We strongly recommend good room lighting in these cases.

Besides reducing business travel, the following are some advantages of video remote interpreting.
Crisp and clear HD audio in your headsets. Far better conversation environment than noisy hotel lounges, trade shows, business roundtables, etc
Some product samples simply cannot be sent overseas. Show big machinery or factory premises on real time.
Built audience. Invite your staff to join virtual business meetings on watch only mode. No need to provide them with further information regarding how the negotiation developed.
Free Trial
Signing up for our free trial session implies no commitment regarding future services or any payment to Onscreeninterpreters™
We do not rerquire any credit card information.
The purpose of our free trial is to offer our prospective customers the possibility to experiment our service in exactly the same way as in a real situation.
You will have to choose the person with whom the web-conference will be held. If you cannot find that person a member of our staff can perform as your contact at target language.
A feedback email will likely be sent asking you about product satisfaction or any difficulties encountered.